PRADIS is a software for analysis of dynamic systems of different physical nature.
The program is developed since 1992 from VAX platform. During this time mathemetical kernel and models have been tested on practice, PRADIS has shown high reliability and accuracy of it algorithms and models.
PRADIS is included in the register of Russian software under No. 13920 dated June 14, 2022
PRADIS is based on the following principles
- Universality – the principle of universality allows to perform analysis of any technical systems, whose behavior is described by a system of differential equations.
- Openness – practical modeling capabilities defined by PRADIS model library. The PRADIS may not only separate, but co-simulation of various physical systems.
PRADIS library includes more than 160 models
- Mechanics
- Biomechanics (dummy simulation)
- Electronics
- Hydraulic
- Pneumatics
- Control theory elements
- Elements of continuous medium, finite elements (beams, rods, plates, etc.)
- Contact elements
- Co-elements (for different physical systems)
The principle of openness allows any user to create their own library of models. This allows users to not only adjust the system for their own needs, but also to participate in the development of a shared library. Openness of output and input file formats allows users to write their own tools for preparing and analyzing the results.
Features of mechanical systems simulation
- Solids simulation
- Simulation of deformable bodies
- A wide range of contact models (including contact facet surfaces, ie, any complex geometry)
- A wide range of joints (including taking into account the friction and elasticity)
- Ability to simulate dummies, dummy elements, car security systems
- Co-Simulation of lumped bodies and finite element
At present vehicles subsystems are actively developed in PRADIS.
PRADIS is free for non-commercial use for private or educational purposes.
Here you can read the license agreement for non-commercial use. In case of commercial use of PRADIS please contact
You can download the documentation and distribution of PRADIS here .