The 11th OpenFOAM® Workshop

The 11th OpenFOAM® Workshop will be held in Guimarães, Portugal, at the Vila Flor Cultural Centre, from the 26th to the 30th of June, 2016, and will be organized by the IPC/i3N-Institute of Polymers and Composites from the University of Minho. Since its inception, in 2006, the OpenFOAM® Workshop is attended by a large group of users and developers, both from industry and academy, interested in the OpenFOAM® technology, which currently covers a wide range of applications.

The OpenFOAM® Workshop is open to everyone regardless of origin and/or area of activity.

The Workshop includes several training courses in different levels of OpenFOAM®. These courses are for beginners as well as experienced users and developers, which will be taught by experts and programmers of OpenFOAM® technology.

The OpenFOAM® Workshop is the ideal forum to:

  • Present and learn about the latest developments and current capabilities of OpenFOAM® technology;
  • Exchange views and experiences about developments in OpenFOAM® technology;
  • Meet OpenFOAM® technology users/programmers with similar interests and establish work partnerships;
  • Receive training in OpenFOAM® technology.
  • Learn how to contribute to OpenFOAM® and to the community that uses OpenFOAM® technology.
